<aside> 💡 A series of workshops designed for people to make tangible changes in their life through the power of play, community and commitment.

Workshops in this series are: **- Playing with Possibilities (Habits)

Each workshop will consist of 3 components:

  1. Doing - Experiential Play & Experimentation
  2. Reflection - Space for Self-Reflection, Group Discussion & Visioning
  3. Learning - Exploring Teachings and Texts from Systems Thinkers, Elders, Neuroscience and Teachers from Different Traditions (i.e. Joanna Macy, Thich Nhat Hahn, Tulku Lobsang, Andrew Huberman, Satish Kumar)


At the heart of our theory of change - in addition to simply giving adults permission to play - is supporting people to disrupt their patterns through play. This happens both indirectly and directly. Through intention setting, reflection and being a part of a community of practice people are given the chance to experiment with Doing more of the things they know are good for them, Doing less of the things they know are not good for them, and Doing things differently, to create possibilities beyond their current imaginations.

At the heart of our theory of change - in addition to simply giving adults permission to play - is supporting people to disrupt their patterns through play. This happens both indirectly and directly. Through intention setting, reflection and being a part of a community of practice people are given the chance to experiment with Doing more of the things they know are good for them, Doing less of the things they know are not good for them, and Doing things differently, to create possibilities beyond their current imaginations.

When & Where Will These Workshops Happen?

Online - Zoom

I see the possibility to do these workshops in your own space as a huge opportunity! You will be given the chance to engage with your familiar space with curiosity. Seeing/Doing stuff that we see/do everyday in a new way. Exploring our ‘at home’ patterns with fun and humility.

Session 1: Playing with Possibilities (Habits)

<aside> 💡 Date: Tuesday, November 12th Time: 11 AM - 2:30 PM EST



Session 2: Creatively Playing with Exercise & Wellness (Fitness)

<aside> 💡 Date: Tuesday, November 26th Time: 11 AM - 2:30 PM EST



Session 3: Using Play to Integrate Mindfulness into your Daily Life

<aside> 💡 Date: Tuesday, December 10th Time: 11 AM - 2:30 PM EST

